Our Story

We bought land in Occidental in 1995 after 2.5 years of searching Sonoma County for just the right spot.  Our house was completed in 2004, and we moved into the beautiful redwood grove that we call home shortly afterward.  I completed the Environmental Horticulture Program at Santa Rosa Junior College in 2006, and was awarded the Environmental Horticulture Student of the Year. The Water’s Edge was formed following the issuance of my C-27 contractors license the next year.  Though a relatively young company, we are passionate about what we do, and strive to be as well informed as possible with respect to techniques, materials and environments involved in our profession.  We love to recycle and repurpose existing plants and materials when appropriate, and are happy to count many past clients as current friends

To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.
— Mohandas K. Gandhi


  • We are located in USDA climate zone 9, and Sunset Western Garden zones 13-17. 

  • Famed horticulturist Luther Burbank lived in Santa Rosa and had his experimental gardens in Sebastopol.

  • Extremely complex geology in the North Bay adds to the climate and soils variability found here, from the heavy clay Laguna de Santa Rosa, to the acid soils of the redwood forests.

  • We are classified as one of the 5 Mediterranean climate zones on the globe.

  • We have the highest concentration of pocket gophers in the known universe.

  • Deer are also quite happy in western Sonoma County, possibly in your yard!

  • Many bio zones are found here from mixed coniferous forests, prime riparian habitat, coastal scrub, dense redwood groves, and oak plantain.

  • California is home to the tallest, largest, and oldest tree species on the entire planet.